Local News
Zetland FM Local News - 11th July 2018
It's been revealed that the RNLI volunteer crew at Redcar was subjected to a laser light attack as they sped to search for a missing person in the early hours of Monday 9 July 2018;
Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council have approved plans to bring into use a special parking enforcement car;
...and MP for Redcar, Anna Turley, has backed a bid by the Redcar Coastal Community Team for two and a half million pounds to support and regenerate a key part of Redcar town centre.
It's been revealed that the RNLI volunteer crew at Redcar was subjected to a laser light attack as they sped to search for a missing person in the early hours of Monday 9 July 2018.
The attack happened a few minutes after the lifeboat had launched at half past midnight on Monday to help in the search for a vulnerable person at South Gare near Redcar.
The green laser light, like that emitted from a laser pointer, was directed at the volunteer crew as the lifeboat passed by Newcommen Terrace in the Coatham area of the town.
Mike Picknett, Deputy Launching Authority at Redcar RNLI, who was in charge of the RNLI operation, said that the incident was an appalling, reckless attack on the lifeboat crew, who were navigating in near total darkness.
He said that the laser could have permanently damaged any of the crew’s vision had it shone directly into their eyes.
None of the crew were harmed by the attack and during the subsequent search the same crew was able to give the missing person vital casualty care after they were located by the police helicopter in sand dunes at the South Gare.
Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council have approved plans to bring into use a special parking enforcement car.
The vehicle is equipped with CCTV cameras to clamp down on illegal and often unsafe parking throughout the borough, with schools and bus stops being a priority.
The move follows three reports of children being involved in road traffic accidents outside of schools this year alone.
Illegal parking outside of schools has been a growing concern, with many parents and carers routinely ignoring road markings and warning signs as they drop off and collect children during the school run.
The new CCTV car will patrol the borough’s schools to record evidence of unsafe and illegal parking, with fixed penalty notices of £70 automatically being issued when rules are contravened.
The new CCTV car will soon be on patrol throughout the borough monitoring zigzag lines and yellow kerb markings outside schools, bus stops, bus lanes and the footpath on Redcar’s Esplanade.
MP for Redcar, Anna Turley, has backed a bid by the Redcar Coastal Community Team for two and a half million pounds to support and regenerate a key part of Redcar town centre.
The bid has been made to the Coastal Communities Fund, a government scheme managed by Big Lottery which supports projects leading to regeneration and economic growth in coastal towns.
The Redcar Gateway Project seeks to invest in the Station Road area of Redcar, creating high quality business space, improving the street scene, and transforming the gateway into the centre of Redcar.
New and improved spaces for community activities would be provided, such as the Primrose Bell street market, performances and other cultural activities.
Other secured funding for the project includes the SSI Business Growth fund and Redcar & Cleveland Council. Bids are also being made to TVCA and the Arts Council.